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Let The Hurt Happen

To my sister who may be hurting from the ending of a relationship/situationship...Let the hurt happen! When my relationship ended, I found myself constantly trying to mask the pain I was feeling. For some reason, I thought that not showing my pain any attention would somehow erase it. I looked for happiness in other guys and anything else that could offer me temporary contentment. I thought that this was the proper way to "heal myself". I was nothing short of WRONG! Trying to mask your pain actually delays the healing process. Sis, you must acknowledge that you're hurting and let it happen. The wall you try to build and the way you try to front is NOT going to help you at all. It'll just make you bitter. No, I'm not saying you should walk around all depressed, but you have to deal with what you're feeling or it'll spill over into everything else. Well how do you deal with it? Bet you can't guess what I'm about to say....GOD! Remember how I said I tried to "heal myself "....Yea that didn't go over so well. I don't have the ability to do that! (DUHHHHHH lol) It wasn't until I cried out and prayed to my Savior, that healing started to take place. He showed me that my identity was in Him and that I was in so much pain because of my disobedience. His love conquered everything I was dealing with. The Bible says,"weaping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)." Maybe not tomorrow morning or the morning after that, but one morning you'll be healed and set free. Boy, it feels good too! Don't prolong your healing process by trying to hide the pain. Just let the hurt happen. Give it to God so He can turn it into a testimony!

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